Stoked to get back on the rock and push our limits a bit further in Squamish, our new backyard! What a phenomenal climbing area and place to finish up this epic road trip. Highlight, for sure, was meeting our new Seattle area adventure friends 🙂
Day 1 morning start at Area 44
This is the magical place where we met Matt and Kelsie; Taylor and Michael. Admittedly, we had a clear game plan in hand to start finding new friends, but couldn’t have dreamed it’d work out so serendipitously! I (Karina) was dangling from a rope above while listening to Jason below sharing his email with, what turned out to be, our new buddies…. only to find out that these fantastic people are the same good friends of friends that we were meant to meet a month earlier in the Canadian Rockies. Small, wild world. A night out drinking beers together stumbled into the next adventure together, with MANY MORE to come…. ! (see next post)