Glacier National Park

Glacier is a great tribute to America’s national park system. The trails, roads and campsites are beautifully architected to accentuate the beauty of the northern Rockies. 2 Nights in the park gave us time to explore the snow capped Logan Pass and enjoy a hike crossing the Continental Divide and the park from West to East.

Though a late storm had close the trail we planned to hike, it was fun playing in the snow on Logan Pass.IMG_0677




And the mountain goats know that they rule the mountains of Glacier. They have no fear of heights or tourists.IMG_0673

Day two’s hike across Swiftcurrent Pass brought sweeping views of the Western slopes of the park with lush forest’s, jagged peaks and fields of wildflowers reminiscent of the Swiss Alps.IMG_0697

Unabashed Hoary Marmots!IMG_0693

Endless stretches of glowing yellow Glacier Lillies.IMG_0703


Cresting the Continental Divide and looking east into a completely new landscape of rocky peaks and colorful valleys.IMG_0711




The blooming Bear Grass dominated the eastern slopes.IMG_0736


After good luck hitchhiking back across the park a few hours with AAA got us back into our car. It’s still unclear how the keys got locked inside 😉




5 thoughts on “Glacier National Park”

  1. Your trek is amazing, thus will be your future together too! Weena, I hope your nails are surviving.
    Take care both of you and enjoy every moment of the journey. Please take more wildflower pictures.
    The botanist in me rejoices every time I see one.
    Love Aunt Nett

    1. Yay, us too and will do! I’ve bought a Wildflowers of the Rockies guide and have become obsessed with identifying them.

      Hugs and love,

  2. When are you kids going to get some bad weather? Two hikers died from lightning strikes in Colorado. Don’t be wearing your antenna hats if it clouds over. Terra Mar rocked today.
    Peace – Fred

    1. Pretty good weather so far indeed. The next area we’re headed to — The Bugaboos — is a famed climbing destination, and also famed for its daily lightning storms. Apparently they’ve put up metal rods at the top of the spires to protect from that kind of thing. In other words, we’re keeping safe, or rather, Canada is keeping us safe…. except for all the fires! Looking forward to some early Sept surfs with you.

  3. 1) try to find some pretty scenery for your pics
    2) try to look happy together
    3) smart posting a pic with your red hydro flask in clear view. Brownie points! 🙂

    miss and love you! ym

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